Friday, April 29, 2011

Dancing our way into healthy wellness

Wow, what a fun assembly. Everyone practiced their dance moves and really showed them off. We should have invited John Travolta to see our moves.

Money makes the learning easier...

We are learning how to add three single digit numbers and using pennies to set up the problems just seems to make the adding a little more exciting. Instead of 2 + 3 + 5 they have 2 pennies, three pennies, and five pennies. We are also going to try our money bags again. I think almost everyone is doing well enough with their money to accomplish this now.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wow! Our class, families, friends, and community members pulled together and we did it!!!! We earned two ipods for our classroom. They will be joining the other ipods Ms. McGinley will soon have in her classroom thanks to a grant that she applied for and received. That means that we will have enough for a small center. OOOOOOHHHH let the learning begin.... :) We have already started a new project on so if you didn't get a chance to help us in our first project, you still have a chance. Thanks for everyone who supported and believed in us.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What's growing in first grade????

We are growing potatoes in first grade and we have a blossom. We have seen two new potatoes so far. We are going to harvest them at the end of the year and make potatoes and eggs.

Having Fun with Science

Wow, look at us having fun with science. Everyone got to learn about the PH Scale and how chemicals work together. I was very proud of how everyone followed directions and worked carefully with their partners. We had a lot of fun.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Help our class get new Technology into our room!

We have a donor page where anyone can donate to our classroom so that we can continue to develop the technology that we have access to in our room. We are trying to get some ipods for our room so that we can use them for reading and math fluency. We can actually read a story into the ipod and then listen to ourselves read so we can see where we need the most work. We can even listen to stories on the ipod so we can access material that may be to difficult for us to read. The best thing is that Ms. McGinley is going to teach us how to take pictures with the ipod cameras so we can take pictures of our classroom and download them to the website. We can even take pictures to use in our writing powerpoints. Wow! Can you believe we are going to learn all that!!!! Visit our donor page and let us know how excited you are about our learning.