Friday, September 7, 2012

We had a great week.  We are finished with our placement testing and onto our normal curriculum.  We are still working on procedures and getting our routines familiar, but it was a great week.  We worked on read to self and read to buddy this week.  Next week we will work on listening center.  We are studying about the branches of government and learning about place value.  Our week will be full of new exciting things.

I am attaching a link to a reading comprehension video that we are learning about.  By using the five areas of comprehension, we are learning to be better, stronger superstar readers.  Please check it out or ask your student about it.

:)  Ms. McGinley

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Our first week of school was great.  I am a lucky teacher to have such wonderful students.  We had a full week of testing and now it is time to get down to business.  Some of you have had concerns about homework --- it is coming.  I would rather know what your child needs help in then simply hand out busy work that may or may not meet the needs of your child.  The homework will arrive in their green homework folder so be sure to check that daily. 

We are going to continue practicing our reading centers this week, learn about math centers, and do a little social studies. 

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to call or e-mail me.

Reading center #1
Ms. McGinley

Monday, August 27, 2012

YEAH!  Our first day was totally awesome.  I might be the luckiest teacher in the world to get such wonderful students.  I know we are going to great things this year.  I got our Edmodo accounts up and running so tomorrow we will be learning how to use our ipods to access our morning assignments.  It will be crazy and exciting. :)

I can't wait to see you all again tomorrow.

P.S. --- Don't forget to read tonight.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wow!  Open house was great.  I got to meet:
  • Adrian
  • Bryson
  • Aden
  • Elizabeth
  • Thorin
  • Briana
  • Rikki
  • Zoey
  • Alejandro
  • Madalynn
  • Briton
  • McKenna
  • Jutin
  • Justine
  • Isaak
  • Jordynn
  • Kylie
  • Alyson
I am very excited that I get to teach all of you for a whole year.  I can't wait to get started.  We are going to have so much fun this year you aren't going to want to leave for summer. :)

Enjoy your weekend and I will see you bright and early on Monday morning.  Don't be afraid to knock when you get here.  I don't mind if you come in early. 

Ms. McGinley

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Book Club Orders Online Now!!!!!

It is easier than ever to place book orders for your child.  The link below will take you straight to Scholastic where your orders will earn free books for our students.  There are lots of good deals for back to school so be sure to check it out.  !

Our classroom code is:  GRMJZ - I believe it will take you directly to our class but just in case. :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome to second grade.  I am so excited to meet everyone!!!  We are going to have so much fun in second grade.  You even get to pick your own seat during open house - COOL!  We are going to do a lot of reading this year so maybe you should start practicing now so you are ready on your first day :)

I am going to be asking you what kind of teacher you want to have so be thinking about what makes the perfect teacher so you can help me be a "rockstar" teacher this year.  Dust off your thinking caps, polish them up so we can get to learning.

Check out our garden - it has some ginormous plants in it.  We are going to be learning about the garden and having some outdoor classes within the garden space. 

See you soon,

Ms. McGinley